Navigating the Path to Pandemic Prevention: A Fresh Strategy for a Safer Future

Looking to prevent the transmission of viruses between animals and ⁣humans? A recent report provides​ insights on how to achieve this by maintaining the integrity of ecosystems. Outbreaks of ​novel infectious diseases,⁣ such ‌as COVID-19 and HIV, often stem from viruses crossing over from animals to⁢ humans, a phenomenon ⁤known as zoonotic‍ spillover. ⁢Environmental factors like⁢ food scarcity and habitat destruction can ⁣make wild animals more ⁢vulnerable to viral infections, increasing the likelihood of spillovers. Preserving natural ​habitats⁣ like forests and rivers has been recognized as an effective strategy to avert pandemics. ⁢The new recommendations for preventing spillovers, developed by a team of ⁣experts, draw on case studies involving bats.

One such ‍study focused‌ on the Hendra virus in eastern Australia, where spillovers occurred due to fruit bats seeking food in urban areas during winter. The virus then spread to horses in those areas, eventually infecting humans as well.

Date and ⁢Time: 2024-04-19 10:00:00

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