Nationalists Rise to Power: The Transformation of the Russian Far-Right Movement

Nationalists Rise to Power: The Transformation of the Russian Far-Right Movement

The latest report⁤ from the “Sova” Research Center delves into the activities of far-right groups during ‍the ‌winter-spring of 2024.

Researchers have observed a resurgence of the far-right movement ​in Russia, ⁣with nationalists⁢ regaining significant influence in the political arena by the end of autumn 2023. Their impact ⁢has only continued to grow since then.

These far-right factions can be categorized into two main​ groups: those‌ aligned with ‌the current government and those in opposition.⁢ The pro-government factions actively engage in politics, supporting the Kremlin’s policies, including ‍the conflict in Ukraine. On the other hand, opposition nationalists ‌criticize the authorities and push for radical changes.


Notable ⁢pro-government or neutral entities include the TV channel “Tsargrad”, the ‌Telegram channel “Multinational”, organizations like​ the “Russian Community” (RO) and “Northern Man”, as well as figures such as Vladislav Pozdnyakov and the movement “Call of the People”. The ‍report highlights their involvement in various activities, ⁢stating:

“Pro-government nationalists often take on ‌secondary roles in dealing with the ‘fifth column’ and issues of moral conservatism,​ focusing primarily on anti-migrant sentiments.”


On the ⁣other side of the spectrum, the report mentions opposition nationalists​ like the Russian People’s Party (RNP) and journalist Svyat Pavlov, formerly associated​ with ‌”Sputnik and Pogrom.”…

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