NASA scientist attributes part of 2023’s record heat to an enigmatic process

NASA scientist attributes part of 2023’s record heat to an enigmatic process

It’s no secret​ human activity⁣ is warming the planet, driving more frequent and intense extreme weather events and transforming ecosystems at an extraordinary rate.

The following are excerpts from an interview‍ with Schmidt:

It wasn’t just⁣ a record. It was a record that broke‌ the ‌previous record⁤ by‌ a ​record margin.

We started with⁢ La Niña, ⁣this cool phenomenon‌ in the tropical Pacific. ‌That ‌was‍ still around until⁢ March. And then in May, we​ started to see⁤ the​ development of an El Niño, the warm phase of that cycle.

It normally affects the temperatures in the following year. So that would be ⁢2024. But what we saw in 2023 ‍was that the temperatures globally seemed to go ⁢up with the El ‍Niño event,​ in a ​much greater way than we’d ever seen it before.

2024-01-13 17:00:06
Link from rnrn

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