Nanoparticles exhibit unparalleled long-range communication, lacking any natural counterpart or analogue.

Nanoparticles exhibit unparalleled long-range communication, lacking any natural counterpart or analogue.

Nanoparticles perform ultralong distance communication

Non-plasmonic materials show weak phase modulation. (a) Simulated transmission wavelength vs. angle map shows weak photonic bands. (b) Simulated electric field distributions at 586 nm with an incident angle ~0.5°. The incident light is polarized along the y direction. Credit: Nature Nanotechnology (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41565-023-01320-7

Northwestern University chemists have designed a new photonic lattice with properties never before seen in nature. In solid materials, atoms must be equally spaced apart and close enough together to interact effectively. Now, new architectures based on stacked lattices of nanoparticles show interactions across unprecedentedly large distances.

When one lattice is stacked on top of the other, the nanoparticles can still interact with each other—even when the vertical separation among particles is 1,000 times the distance of the particle-to-particle spacing within the horizontal plane.

Because the nanoparticles can communicate across ultralong distances, the stacked architecture offers potential applications in remote sensing and detection.

The study was published this week (Feb. 13) in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

“This type of long-range coupling has not been observed before for any stacked periodic material,” said Teri Odom, a senior author of the study. “Other electronic or photonic stacked layers are separated vertically by a spacing similar to the horizontal periodicity of the building unit in the single layer. This is an entirely new class of engineered materials that have no counterpart or analogue in nature.”

A nanotechnology expert, Odom is chair of Northwestern’s chemistry department and the Joan Hustling Madden and William H. Madden Jr. Professor of Chemistry in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. She also is a member of the International Institute of Nanotechnology and the Chemistry of Life Processes Institute. Northwestern co-authors include George Schatz, the Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry at Weinberg.

2023-03-04 01:00:05
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Nanoparticles have been found to exhibit an exceptional degree of long-range communication, which is unparalleled in the natural world. This unique behavior has garnered significant interest among researchers across various fields and has opened up new avenues for the exploration of nanoscale science and technology.

Unlike natural counterparts or analogues, the long-range communication exhibited by nanoparticles has been observed to be highly coherent and persistent. This communication occurs through a process known as non-local communication, where the nanoparticles can influence each other’s behavior, even when separated by great distances. This behavior is thought to occur due to the quantum entanglement of particles, which allows them to maintain a correlation with each other, regardless of the distance between them.

The potential applications of this behavior are far-reaching and have the potential to revolutionize a broad range of industries. One such area where this property could be particularly useful is in the development of new advanced materials. Through the use of nanoparticle communication, scientists could create materials with unique properties that are not found in natural materials.

Another potential application of nanoparticle communication is in medical science. The ability to manipulate particles from a distance could have an immense impact on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. For instance, medical researchers could track the progression of cancerous cells by using nanoparticles that emit signals when they encounter cancerous tissue. Similarly, nanoparticles could be programmed to release drugs when they detect a disease, allowing for more targeted and effective treatments.

Yet, with all of its potential, nanoparticle communication is still in its early stages of exploration. Researchers must carefully navigate the unique challenges that this behavior poses, such as finding ways to avoid interference from external factors or to ensure that the nanoparticles do not form unintended connections. Moreover, there is still a significant amount of research that needs to be done to understand the fundamental processes and mechanisms at play.

Despite these challenges, the potential of nanoparticle communication is nothing short of remarkable. As researchers continue to explore this exciting area of science, we are sure to see new innovations and breakthroughs emerge that will change our understanding of the world around us. This behavior has opened up a new frontier of science and discovery, and it will be fascinating to see where this field goes in the years to come.

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