Moon samples from China mission reveal presence of water

Moon samples from China mission reveal presence of water

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What minerals or elements were discovered in the water from China’s lunar mission?

Water Found in Moon Samples from China Mission

The Chang’e-5 mission, launched by China on November 23, 2020, has successfully collected moon samples and returned to Earth on December 17, 2020. The samples have been analyzed and scientists have made a major discovery: water has been found in these lunar samples!

The Significance of Finding Water on the Moon

According to CNN, the discovery of water on the moon is significant as it could help solve the mystery of whether the moon was once habitable. Water is a key component for life as we know it, and its presence on the moon could mean that the moon had the potential to support life at some point in its history.

This discovery is also important for future lunar exploration. Water can be used as a vital resource for human missions to the moon. It can potentially be converted into oxygen for breathing and hydrogen for rocket fuel. This means that finding water on the moon could make it easier and more cost-effective for humans to explore the moon and even establish a permanent base there.

How the Water was Found

The water was detected using an infrared spectrometer on board the Chang’e-5 spacecraft. This spectrometer was able to detect the molecular signature of water in the lunar samples. It’s estimated that there is around 1 liter of water per 1000 kilograms of lunar soil.


The discovery of water in the lunar samples collected by the Chang’e-5 mission is a major milestone in our understanding of the moon and its potential for human exploration. This discovery could help us unlock the secrets of the moon’s past and pave the way for a sustainable human presence on the moon in the future.


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