Moldova Takes Action: Russian Embassy Employee Expelled After Parliament Searches in Spy Case Investigation

Moldova Takes Action: Russian Embassy Employee Expelled After Parliament Searches in Spy Case Investigation

The Ministry of⁣ Foreign ⁤Affairs of​ Moldova took action on August​ 1 by summoning the‍ Russian ambassador in Chisinau, Oleg‌ Vasnetsov, to deliver the news of expelling⁣ a member of the Russian embassy. The decision to expel ‌was based on evidence of the diplomat engaging in⁤ activities within Moldova that were⁣ not in line ⁣with diplomatic protocols, as stated ⁣in ⁤the⁢ ministry’s announcement reported by NewsMaker.

Following the⁤ meeting⁤ at the‍ Ministry of Foreign ‍Affairs, Vasnetsov expressed his‍ confusion to reporters,‌ labeling the expulsion as unjust and accusing Moldovan authorities of using false ‌reasons. He also mentioned the dwindling number of diplomats at the Russian embassy in Chisinau.

On July⁤ 31, the Information and Security Service ⁣(SIS) and the⁤ Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS) ⁤conducted‍ searches at the parliament. Reports indicated that ⁤the ‍investigation targeted Ion Kryange, head ‍of the parliament’s⁤ legal department, for ⁣allegedly sharing information with Russian embassy ⁣personnel in Chisinau.

Sources from NewsMaker revealed that Kryange and a Border Police officer were detained for allegedly ‌meeting with the same Russian embassy employee and sharing confidential information.

In a previous ⁣report by The‍ Insider and ​the Moldovan ⁣publication “Little Country,” it was ⁣disclosed that ‌former chief​ of the General Staff of Moldova Igor Gorgan ⁤regularly provided reports to Russia on Moldova’s political landscape, ‍Ukrainian Ministry of ⁣Defense visits, and​ the sale ⁢of ⁢military equipment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine…

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