Milei’s presidency brings disappointment for victims of Argentina’s dictatorship

Milei’s presidency brings disappointment for victims of Argentina’s dictatorship

Buenos Aires, Argentina – At noon on January 12, 1977, soldiers burst into Alicia ‌Partnoy’s home, tore her away from her 18-month-old daughter ⁣and threw her in the back of a truck.

For months, she endured torture in a concentration camp in the ⁤Argentinian city of Bahia Blanca, before finally fleeing to the United States as a refugee.

For months, she endured‍ torture in a concentration camp in the Argentinian city of Bahia Blanca, before finally fleeing to the United States as a refugee.

Now, she is bracing herself for a presidential⁣ administration that she sees⁢ as justifying the actions of her tormentors.

Today, ⁢far-right economist⁤ and politician Javier ⁤Milei takes office as⁢ Argentina’s new president. At his ​side will be running mate⁣ Victoria Villarruel, a controversial figure,⁣ in part, for her​ views on the military dictatorship that ruled Argentina from 1976‍ to 1983.

Critics accuse Villarruel, a lawyer and former member‍ of the Chamber ⁤of‍ Deputies, of ⁢dismissing, downplaying and defending‌ the abuses ​that​ occurred under the ⁢dictatorship, which​ killed an estimated 30,000 people.

Some ​survivors ⁤fear Villarruel and Milei’s ascent to power‌ could even signal a return to‌ authoritarian rule.

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