Mesmerizing Trilobite Eyes: A Fascination for Scientists 50 Years Ago

Mesmerizing Trilobite Eyes: A Fascination for Scientists 50 Years Ago

Trilobite eyes:​ A remarkable example of early evolution — Science News, ⁢February 2, 1974
Trilobites, with around ​20,000⁢ known species, ⁣were a ​diverse group that became​ extinct approximately 250 million years ago. In 1974, lenses found in a type of ​trilobite called phacopids were discovered to be similar⁤ in shape to ⁢some telescope lenses, indicating that phacopids could focus on⁤ objects both near and far. Recent fossil analysis has revealed⁣ that the optical abilities of phacopids ​were even more impressive than⁢ previously thought. It appears that phacopids had two compound eyes, each containing up to 200 smaller lenses, allowing them ⁣to⁣ detect light in dark‍ ocean waters, as reported by researchers in 2021.

2024-02-02 07:00:00
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