Legal Battle: RealPage Accused of Inflating Rent Prices with Controversial Software

Legal Battle: RealPage Accused of Inflating Rent Prices with Controversial Software

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US Government Sues RealPage for Rent-Setting Software

The US government has taken legal action against RealPage, a software company based in Texas, alleging that their software for setting rents has led to increased rental prices for tenants.

Allegations against RealPage:

Impact on Tenants:

The lawsuit emphasizes the detrimental effects of RealPage’s actions on tenants, especially those in low-income areas struggling to afford housing. The alleged price-fixing and collusion have further hindered these individuals in finding affordable housing options.

RealPage’s Defense:

RealPage refutes the accusations and intends to vigorously defend themselves in court. They argue that their software aims to simplify rental processes and benefit both landlords and tenants.

As the legal dispute unfolds between the US government and RealPage, it will be crucial to monitor the outcome and assess its potential impact on the rental market and tenants nationwide.

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