Lebanon Plunged into Darkness as Electricity Grid Fails

Lebanon Plunged into Darkness as Electricity Grid Fails

Lebanon plunged into darkness as the largest power plant shut down its final unit due‍ to fuel shortages, ​leaving the country without electricity. The state-owned ⁤enterprise Électricité du Liban, responsible for electricity production and distribution, confirmed this unfortunate development as reported ‌by the local TV channel LBC.

The shutdown will have a significant‍ impact on essential facilities like the airport, seaport, water pumps, and sewage ⁣systems, warned the company in a ⁤statement.‍ Assuring ‌the public, the company pledged to reactivate dormant power stations as fuel supply permits, gradually restoring the ⁣electricity supply.

With potential water supply reductions looming,⁣ residents are advised ⁤to conserve water, as reported ​by L’Orient-Le Jour.

Last August, Lebanon also experienced a complete blackout, underscoring the ongoing challenges faced by the country.

Source from theins.ru

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