Kyiv accustomed to Russian missiles, but unexplained flash raises questions about aliens or falling satellite.

Kyiv accustomed to Russian missiles, but unexplained flash raises questions about aliens or falling satellite.

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What evidence does Kyiv have of Russian missiles causing the unexplained flashes?


Whenever we hear about mysterious events that occur in Kyiv, our brains immediately start racing with wild theories – aliens, meteorites, missile tests – you name it. However, for those who have been living in Kyiv for years, such events are nothing new. The city has become accustomed to the unexplained flash of light, sudden sonic booms, and falling satellites, thanks to the frequent Russian missile tests that take place nearby.

Russian Missile Tests

Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine, is situated in close proximity to the military firing range near the town of Chernihiv, which serves as a testing ground for Russian missile systems. The Russian government has been conducting missile tests in the region for years, and their frequency has only increased since the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Unexplained Flash

One of the most common sights the Kyiv residents witness is the occasional bright flash of light that illuminates the night sky. The light occurs suddenly and disappears in a matter of seconds, leaving many wondering about its origins. While some speculate that it might be related to UFO sightings, locals know it is a result of missile tests conducted by the Russian military.

Falling Satellite

In 2020, Kyiv inhabitants witnessed the fall of a satellite that sparked rumors of a possible meteor shower. However, it was later revealed that the satellite was a Russian military reconnaissance satellite that had lost control and had fallen from orbit. Luckily, it landed in an uninhabited area, but it was a stark reminder of the potential danger that these missile tests pose to the city.


In conclusion, while it might be tempting to attribute mysterious events in Kyiv to extraterrestrial beings, it is crucial to remember the ongoing Russian missile tests taking place in the region. These tests come with real risks and dangers, and it is essential for the Ukrainian government to take action to ensure the safety of its citizens. At the same time, Kyiv locals have grown accustomed to these events and have learned to accept them as an inevitable part of living in this part of the world.

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