‘It just keeps going’: Hospital burn units fill up as relentless heat bakes the Southwest

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How are the hospital burn units ‌in ‌the‌ Southwest‍ coping with the increasing demand caused by the relentless heatwave?

“It just keeps going’: Hospital burn units fill up as relentless heat bakes the Southwest


The Southwest region of the United States is currently experiencing a heatwave of ‍unprecedented⁢ proportions.⁢ The scorching temperatures have not only caused ‍discomfort ⁣and dehydration but have also resulted in an​ alarming increase in the number of patients‌ being admitted to hospital ⁣burn units. The ⁢relentless heat has taken a toll on the population, making it⁢ crucial ⁤to raise awareness about the severity of the situation.

Heat-related Injuries on the ‌Rise

As the heatwave intensifies, so does the risk of heat-related injuries. Burn‌ units in ‍hospitals​ across the Southwest are‍ reporting ​an overwhelming ‌surge in⁤ patients suffering from severe burns due to contact‌ with extremely hot surfaces, scalding liquids, and even⁣ exploding objects due to the⁢ heat. The demand ‌for medical attention in burn⁣ units has increased exponentially, putting a ‌strain⁢ on the healthcare ⁢system.

Scorching Pavements and Surfaces

Walking barefoot on ⁢scorching pavements has led to countless cases ⁤of painful burns, especially among children and ⁤those who work outdoors. ​The asphalt can reach unbearable temperatures, causing severe burns within ‌seconds.⁤ Urgent ​protective measures need to be taken to prevent further heat-related injuries.

Scalds and Explosions

The sweltering heat has not only affected ⁣outdoor environments‍ but indoor spaces as well. Water heaters, ‍stovetops, and other hot ⁤surfaces are becoming increasingly dangerous as ‍the heat soars. The likelihood of accidental scalds from boiling water and other hot liquids has increased significantly. Moreover,⁢ items such as propane tanks and aerosol cans that are sensitive to heat can explode, posing even greater risks.

Prevention⁢ and Safety Measures

Given ‌the severity⁤ of the situation, it is vital to take appropriate precautions to⁢ prevent heat-related accidents‍ and injuries. Below⁣ are ⁣some safety measures that should be implemented during this relentless heatwave:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink‌ plenty of fluids and avoid alcohol and caffeine as they can dehydrate the body.
  • Seek Shade: Minimize direct exposure​ to the sun and find shade ⁤whenever ​possible.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: Dress in lightweight, ‍loose-fitting clothes that cover the ⁢skin.
  • Use Sunscreen: Apply sunscreen with a high ‍SPF regularly to ⁢protect ⁢against ⁢sunburns.
  • Avoid Hot Surfaces: Walk on grass or‌ wear appropriate footwear to prevent burns from hot pavements.
  • Be Extra Cautious: Handle⁤ hot objects and⁤ liquids with extreme care, keeping them away from children and pets.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with weather updates and follow guidelines issued by local ‌authorities.


The‍ Southwest is currently⁣ in ‌the grip ‍of a relentless heatwave, leading to an alarming rise in the ‍number of patients admitted⁤ to hospital⁤ burn units. The scorching temperatures have resulted in⁤ severe burns from contact⁤ with hot surfaces and liquids, posing a ‌significant⁤ health risk. It is ⁣crucial for individuals ​to prioritize their safety by following preventive measures and raising awareness about the⁤ dangers of this extreme heat. By taking appropriate precautions, we can mitigate the⁤ number of heat-related injuries and protect ourselves and our communities.

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