Israeli Bombing and Lockdowns Cause Palestinian Industries to Struggle

Israeli Bombing and Lockdowns Cause Palestinian Industries to Struggle

In Bethlehem, the occupied West Bank,‍ the impact of the ‌ongoing violence is becoming⁣ increasingly‍ evident. Israeli raids, settler attacks, and killings of Palestinians have taken a toll on the region.

Muhanad Nairoukh, manager of one of the largest aluminium factories in the occupied West Bank, has seen a ⁢significant decline in production and profits ‌in recent months. The situation ⁤has made it impossible to conduct business as usual.

Life‍ in the occupied West Bank has become more dangerous and complex, leading to a near halt in industrial activities. Nairoukh, who oversees more than‌ 30 employees, has had to make difficult decisions to keep ⁢the company afloat.

With the company operating at only 40 percent capacity and production reduced by 60 ‍percent, Nairoukh has been⁢ forced‍ to cut costs to ‍survive.

The Palestinian Central Bureau of​ Statistics (PCBS) estimates that the overall economic losses in Palestine have reached ⁤approximately $1.5 billion since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on Gaza. This has had a devastating impact on the region’s economy, with daily losses averaging around⁤ $25 million.

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