Is the Apple Reality product truly prepared as more details are revealed?

Is the Apple Reality product truly prepared as more details are revealed?

It’s not often that secrets about an unannounced product leak, especially when they were only shared with a small group of senior managers. However, this is exactly what has happened with Apple’s first-generation mixed-reality headset. Bloomberg and the New York Times recently shared stories from anonymous sources within Apple who appear to know a lot about the product. These sources may have been among a top 100 executive team who attended secret demonstrations over the last few years. The reports shared a lot of information we already thought we knew, adding that some Apple staff are concerned the new product may not achieve the immediate success of previous Apple launches. The claims follow recent reporting that CEO Tim Cook insisted the product, which has been in development for years, is at least announced in 2023.

We don’t know where the latest tales came from. A number of people in Apple leadership positions have departed in recent months, and as the company’s once all-powerful designers find themselves reporting to the operations team, it’s not impossible some senior people are unhappy. In the context of Apple’s inflexible approach to flexible working, it could be that dissatisfaction is growing across the company. If true, that’s bad as it means employees will be more prepared to shrug off their commitment to secrecy and speak with the press.

It does seem strange this information has slipped out from within a top team meeting. How did this happen? How does a company traditionally so secretive end up becoming a firm from which every secret leaks and always through the same channels? Is this Apple managing the message by feeding information through such channels, or is it a case of some form of industrial espionage?

Let’s assume Apple is in control of the narrative. If so, the message seems to be that the first iteration of the product is not expected to see the same kind of early success as the iPhone or iPod. Apple knows the device is expensive, the product category new, and the utility not yet established. With this in mind, it may want to control expectations by sneaking out criticism before the release.

Alternatively, what might it mean if a competitor were pushing the speculation? First, it suggests competitors are scared. They can see Apple coming down the virtual reality track and they want to damage public perception of the new device before it even sees the light of day in order to protect their own business. Is it not worth noting that these stories leak just days since Epic’s Tim Sweeney warned Apple will in some way control the metaverse. (Whatever that is).

It’s possible that both scenarios are true. It’s perfectly conceivable…

2023-05-04 03:30:03
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