Is Investing in Pfizer Stock the Path to Millionaire Status?

Is Investing in Pfizer Stock the Path to Millionaire Status?

Physician shaking patient's hand.

Physician shaking patient’s hand.

Having at least $1 million in⁢ the bank by retirement has long been a popular goal, but it isn’t easy to accomplish. One of the best ‌ways⁢ to do so is to invest in ‌stocks, and the‌ earlier one‍ starts, the better.⁤ Naturally, all stocks aren’t created equal, and while some will⁢ substantially contribute to ‌making investors millionaires, others might‍ do the​ opposite.

Which of these categories does‍ pharmaceutical giant Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) fall ⁤into? Let’s find out whether this drugmaker can help investors become ‌part of the seven-figure club.

Pfizer’s business is improving despite appearances

Suppose an investor starts with capital of $100,000 and has 20 years‍ to reach $1 million.⁢ This would require a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) ​of 12.2%, which isn’t easy‍ to pull​ off. Investors‌ might rightly be skeptical regarding Pfizer’s ability to deliver ​such returns in the⁣ next two decades. For one, the company’s performance⁣ has been catastrophic this year. Also,…

2023-12-16 09:30:00
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