Individual Prohibited from Donating Sperm After Fathering Numerous Offspring

Individual Prohibited from Donating Sperm After Fathering Numerous Offspring

A court in the Netherlands has ruled that a man who has fathered between 550 and 600 children over the past 16 years is not allowed to donate any more sperm to prospective parents. The Hague District Court found that the man had lied about the number of children he had already fathered, the number of sperm donations he had made, and his intention to donate even more sperm.

The court stated that “all these parents are now confronted with the fact that the children in their family are part of a huge kinship network, with hundreds of half siblings, which they did not choose.” Due to Dutch privacy laws, the man, Jonathan Jacob Meijer, 41, has not been publicly named in the court proceedings as the donor in question.

However, in an email to The New York Times for a 2021 article about him, a spokesman for the health ministry confirmed his identity. “Donors must sign an agreement with their clinic that they don’t donate sperm at other clinics,” Gerrit-Jan KleinJan wrote.

2023-04-28 11:20:11
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