In 2023, OpenAI Emerged as the Epicenter of the Technology World

In 2023, OpenAI Emerged as the Epicenter of the Technology World

We’re just over a year since it ‍burst onto the scene and ⁤OpenAI’s ChatGPT program is somehow even more everywhere than it was in February. Our capability to regulate generative AI and mitigate ‍its ⁣myriad⁣ real-world harms, ⁤on the​ other hand, continues to lag far behind‌ the technology’s state-of-the-art. That makes 2024 a potentially pivotal year for generative ⁣AI​ in particular ​and⁢ machine learning in general. Will AI ⁣continue to prove itself a fundamental revolution in human-computer communication,​ on par with⁤ the introduction‍ of the mouse in 1963?, Or⁤ are ⁢we instead heading down​ yet another overhyped technological dead-end‍ like ⁣3D televisions? Let’s take a ⁣look⁣ at how​ OpenAI and ⁢its chatbot have impacted consumer electronics in⁣ 2023 and where they ⁣might lead the industry in the new year.

OpenAI had a ‌great year, all things ‍considered

“Meteoric” doesn’t do justice‌ to ⁢OpenAI’s rise this year. The ‌company released⁢ ChatGPT on November 30,⁤ 2022. Within five days, the…

2023-12-28 09:30:10
Article from rnrn

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