Important Information for Retired Couples: 3 Key Things to Consider

Important Information for Retired Couples: 3 Key Things to Consider

Social‌ Security has been one of the most important social programs in the U.S. for decades. For retirement specifically, it provides vital ⁣income to millions of Americans across the country. After years of paying Social Security taxes, beneficiaries reap the rewards with a financial safety net of sorts.

However, these benefits aren’t restricted only to people who worked and paid taxes over the⁤ years. For example, Social​ Security allows spousal benefits to ⁣support non-working or​ low-earning spouses in retirement. For any couple that is nearing or in retirement and putting financial plans ​in place, here are three things​ they should know about Social ‍Security spousal⁢ benefits.

Image source: ⁢Getty ‍Images.

1. How Social Security spousal‌ benefits work

Social Security typically calculates a recipient’s monthly benefits using a formula that factors⁢ in their 35 highest-earning years of income. But a spouse can receive Social Security‍ benefits based on their ‌partner’s earning record if they’re…

2024-01-14 14:05:00
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