Human Research and Clean-up Duties Performed by Crew During Spacewalk

Human Research and Clean-up Duties Performed by Crew During Spacewalk

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How does crew work effectively in human research and clean up processes during a spacewalk?


Spacewalks are a critical aspect of any extravehicular activity (EVA) mission. Astronauts need to go outside the spacecraft to perform maintenance, repairs and upgrades on the International Space Station. However, there is more to spacewalks than just fixing things. NASA’s crew members also carry out human research experiments, collect samples and conduct scientific observations. Moreover, after every spacewalk, the crew works hard to clean up the gear, tools, and equipment used during the EVA.

Human Research

During a spacewalk, crew members experience extreme conditions that can affect their overall health and wellbeing. Therefore, NASA scientists often use spacewalks as an opportunity to conduct human research studies. For example, astronauts may wear sensors to track their physical responses, such as heart rate and body temperature, while performing tasks outside the spacecraft. Additionally, they may participate in cognitive tests to asses their thought processes while wearing a bulky spacesuit. Several of these human studies have led to better spacesuit designs, better tools, and equipment, and better health plans for astronauts.

Cleaning Up After a Spacewalk

As soon as the spacewalk is complete, the crew members need to start cleaning up the gear, tools, and equipment used during the EVA. Everything is meticulously examined to ensure no foreign objects, such as a dropped screw, float around in the spacecraft cabin. Additionally, the egress and ingress areas and handrails are cleaned to ensure no debris is left behind, which could be dangerous and get in the way of future EVAs. Proper cleaning procedures are especially essential for spacecraft which remain on the orbit for extended periods and require additional maintenance.


Spacewalks are a vital aspect of space exploration, and crew members’ roles extend well beyond fixing things. Their participation in human research experiments helps scientists better understand the challenges of living in space. As well, their effective cleaning up protocols ensure a safe and healthy living environment for the crews and will help extend the spacecraft’s capabilities for years to come.


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