How to Submit Your Favorite Songs for NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Soundtrack

How to Submit Your Favorite Songs for NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Soundtrack

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How can you contribute your ‌favorite songs for NASA’s OSIRIS-REx osiris-rex-asteroid-sample-return-soundtrack.html” title=”How to Submit Your Favorite Songs for NASA's OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Soundtrack”>asteroid sample return mission‘s epic soundtrack?

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Needs an Awesome Soundtrack

Submit Your​ Favorite Songs!

If you have ⁤ever wondered what songs might motivate a spacecraft on its epic mission to collect a sample ‍from an ‌asteroid and bring it back to Earth, then wonder no more. NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission ⁤has ⁢opened up ⁤an incredible opportunity for ‌space enthusiasts to contribute to its soundtrack by submitting ​their favorite ⁤songs.

Why Does OSIRIS-REx Need a Soundtrack?

The OSIRIS-REx mission, ⁢short for​ Origins, ⁤Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer, is NASA’s first ⁣asteroid sample return mission. Launched in 2016, ‌OSIRIS-REx aims to collect a sample from asteroid Bennu in 2020 and return it to Earth in 2023. It’s an exciting ​and historic mission, and NASA believes ⁤that an awe-inspiring soundtrack will add significance to the journey.

How Can You Participate?

To participate in ⁣this unique ⁣opportunity, simply⁢ visit the official OSIRIS-REx⁤ website,⁣ navigate to the “Soundtrack Submission” page, ⁢and fill in your details along with the song you wish to contribute. Whether it’s an uplifting orchestral masterpiece or a catchy pop song, NASA is open to various ⁢genres that embody the spirit of space exploration.

What are ​the⁢ Criteria for Song⁢ Selection?

NASA advises submitters to choose songs that encourage feelings of exploration, discovery, and resilience. The tracks should embody the challenges and milestones encountered during ‌the mission, as well as the ambition and curiosity that drive human astronauts and robotic‌ explorers alike. Submissions will be reviewed, and a curated playlist will be created to accompany the exciting moments of OSIRIS-REx’s journey.

Benefits of Participating

The selected songs will not⁢ only be played during various mission events but will also inspire millions who ⁤follow the progress of OSIRIS-REx across the globe. Your ⁢contribution will be recognized by NASA, and you’ll be part of history as your favorite tune resonates through the space as the spacecraft completes its mission.


Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to​ share your favorite songs and be a part of ⁤NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission. ‍Submitting your​ preferred tracks will not only make a mark in space exploration but will also ⁤create a unique connection between⁤ Earth and the vast universe beyond.


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