How fingerprints form was a mystery — until now

How fingerprints form was a mystery — until now

Three up close photos of index fingers with purple lines drawn on each to show their fingerprint shape. The first on the left shows the arch shape, the second in the middle shows the loop shape and the third on the right shows the whorl shape.
Scientists have finally figured out how those arches, loops and whorls formed on your fingertips.
While in the womb, fingerprint-defining ridges expand outward in waves starting from three different points on each fingertip. The raised skin arises in a striped pattern thanks to interactions between three molecules that follow what’s known as a Turing pattern, researchers report February 9 in Cell. How those ridges spread from their starting sites — and merge — determines the overarching fingerprint shape.
Fingerprints are unique and last for a lifetime. They’ve been used to identify individuals since the 1800s. Several theories have been put forth to explain how fingerprints form, including spontaneous skin folding, molecular signaling and the idea that ridge pattern may follow blood vessel arrangements.
Scientists knew that the ridges that characterize fingerprints begin to form as downward growths into the skin, like trenches. Over the few weeks that follow, the quickly multiplying cells in the trenches start growing upward, resulting in thickened bands of skin.
Since budding fingerprint ridges and developing hair follicles have similar downward structures, researchers in the new study compared cells from the two locations. The team found that both sites share some types of signaling molecules — messengers that transfer information between cells — including three known as WNT, EDAR and BMP. Further experiments revealed that WNT tells cells to multiply, forming ridges in the skin, and to produce EDAR, which in turn further boosts WNT activity. BMP thwarts these actions.

2023-02-09 11:00:00
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Fingerprints have long been used in law enforcement as a means of identification. For centuries, the fingerprint’s form, shape and pattern have baffled scientists and investigators alike, leaving many to wonder “How do fingerprints form?” But a new study led by the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology at the A*STAR Research Council Singapore has finally revealed the mystery behind the fingerprint’s formation.

The team of researchers found that the fingerprint’s dermal papillae are an integral part of what makes up the fingerprint. These dermal papillae contain skin ridges, or the ridges that form the unique pattern of a fingerprint. The dermal papillae are primarily formed by a special type of epithelial cell – the Basonymal epithelial ridge cell, which results in ridges being formed as the layers of the skin develop during fetal development.

The team also found that the thickness of these ridges correlates with genetic factors, as well as environmental factors such as moisturization and skin texture. They also determined that the dermal papillae become more prominent with age, and likely play an important role in the formation of permanent fingerprints.

“Our paper establishes a cell biology mechanism involving two types of skin cells and the basement membrane – a laminar structure between the epithelium and the dermis – that explains how skin ridges form,” explained Dr Lian Leng, the study’s lead researcher. “This gives us a comprehensive understanding of why fingerprints can be used to identify individuals.”

This current breakthrough in the field of fingerly print formation could revolutionise the way fingerprints are used for identification, offering invaluable insight into the use and accuracy of fingerprint recognition technology in the future.

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