How an ancient solar flare illuminated the start of the Viking Age

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⁢ What is the connection between an ancient solar flare and the beginning of the Viking ⁤Age


In the early medieval period,​ around the late 8th century, Europe witnessed the⁤ rise of an extraordinary era known as the Viking Age. Historians ⁤have long debated what triggered this period of expansion and exploration. Recent scientific studies are shedding light on one potential catalyst – an ancient solar flare.

The Solar Flare

A solar flare is a powerful burst of radiation that emanates ​from the Sun. In 2020, researchers assessing⁣ ancient ice cores from Greenland discovered evidence of a significant solar storm that occurred around the year 660. By analyzing certain isotopes and ‍particles trapped in the ice, they concluded that this solar flare ⁢was one of the most severe in the past several thousand years.

Impact on Earth

The solar flare ⁤of 660 had a profound⁤ impact on‍ Earth’s magnetic field, causing a temporary but intense disturbance. This disturbance is believed to have affected the navigation systems of‌ the Viking longships, which relied heavily ‌on the‍ sun and stars for guidance during their voyages across vast seas.

Viking Navigation

Vikings were known for their exceptional ‌navigational skills.‍ They ‍were able to traverse great distances, discovering new lands ⁣and colonizing⁣ different regions. The solar flare may have disrupted their ability to accurately determine their position, leading to unintentional deviations from their intended ‌course.


The unintended‍ deviations caused by the solar flare could explain some of the‍ Viking Age’s pivotal events. It is theorized that the altered navigation ​resulted in accidental encounters, potentially⁣ leading ⁣to ‍conflicts with previously uncontacted civilizations. These⁤ conflicts, coupled⁣ with the Vikings’ martial prowess, eventually led to the raids and conquests that characterize the Viking Age.


The ancient solar flare ‍of 660 might have played a crucial role in illuminating the start of ⁢the Viking Age. By momentarily disrupting the Vikings’ navigational abilities, it inadvertently altered their historical trajectory, setting in motion a chain of events that would transform Europe forever.

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