Head of ISIS Cell Responsible for Kabul Airport Bombing Killed by Taliban

Head of ISIS Cell Responsible for Kabul Airport Bombing Killed by Taliban

The Taliban have reportedly killed the leader of the Islamic State cell responsible for the suicide bombing at the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, in August 2021 that killed 13 U.S. troops and as many as 170 civilians, according to four senior American officials on Tuesday.

On Monday, the administration began calling relatives of the American troops who died in the attack to inform them that the leader of the terrorist cell had been killed by Taliban security forces in recent weeks.

The officials stated that U.S. intelligence analysts became aware in early April that the mastermind of the attack, whom they declined to identify, had died in a Taliban operation in Afghanistan. It was unclear whether the Taliban were specifically targeting the insurgent or he was killed in one of the increasing number of attacks between Taliban and Islamic State fighters, the officials said.

The officials said that based on classified intelligence reports — most likely from informants,…

2023-04-25 16:46:38
Article from www.nytimes.com

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