Have $1,000? Discover 3 Stocks That Have the Potential to Generate Wealth by 2024

Have ,000? Discover 3 Stocks That Have the Potential to Generate Wealth by 2024

engineer working ‍on CAD software

engineer⁢ working on CAD software

Every year is different in the stock⁤ market, but almost every ⁣investor has the same⁢ goal:⁢ to get ‍richer. ‍People don’t stick ⁣their money in a risky‍ asset⁢ (at least riskier⁣ than letting it sit in⁣ cash)⁢ for ‌no returns; they want to see their investments grow.

While I can’t guarantee ⁤that⁢ these three stocks will make you “rich,” I’m ⁤confident that ‍they will ‌make investors money over a long-term holding period ⁤of at ⁣least three‍ years. Let’s review them.


Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) ⁢(NASDAQ: GOOGL) is better known by its former name and ​ubiquitous search engine: Google. Alphabet is a leader in the artificial intelligence (AI) space, ‍but most of⁢ its money comes from its advertising services, which ⁢accounted for nearly 80% of revenue⁣ in the ‌third quarter.

2022 and ⁢2023 were rough years for​ advertising as many companies were preparing for an economic slowdown. However, the market⁣ has started⁤ to ‍lap ‌that year-over-year comparison, ‌so⁤ Alphabet’s ⁤growth looks…

2023-12-27 07:15:00
Source⁢ from finance.yahoo.com

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