Greta Thunberg’s Book Calls for Urgent Climate Action

Greta Thunberg’s Book Calls for Urgent Climate Action

A photo of Greta Thunberg standing with a sign with a group of people standing behind her.
The Climate Book
Greta Thunberg
Penguin Press, $30
The best shot we have at minimizing the future impacts of climate change is to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Since the Industrial Revolution began, humankind has already raised the average global temperature by about 1.1 degrees. If we continue to emit greenhouse gases at the current rate, the world will probably surpass the 1.5-degree threshold by the end of the decade.
That sobering fact makes clear that climate change isn’t just a problem to solve someday soon; it’s an emergency to respond to now. And yet, most people don’t act like we’re in the midst of the greatest crisis humans have ever faced — not politicians, not the media, not your neighbor, not myself, if I’m honest. That’s what I realized after finishing The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg.
The urgency to act now, to kick the addiction to fossil fuels, practically jumps off the page to punch you in the gut. So while not a pleasant read — it’s quite stressful — it’s a book I can’t recommend enough. The book’s aim is not to convince skeptics that climate change is real. We’re well past that. Instead, it’s a wake-up call for anyone concerned about the future.
A collection of bite-size essays, The Climate Book provides an encyclopedic overview of all aspects of the climate crisis, including the basic science, the history of denialism and inaction, and what to do next. Thunberg, who became the face of climate activism after starting the Fridays For Future protests as a teenager (SN: 12/16/19), assembles an all-star roster of experts to write the essays.

2023-02-17 07:00:00
Article from

Climate activist Greta Thunberg, aged 17, has called for urgent action to address the climate crisis in her new book, titled “No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference”.

The book is a collection of speeches given by Ms. Thunberg since the launch of her original “Fridays for Future” movement against climate change in 2018. It covers topics such as the dangers of global warming, the need for immediate action, and the corruption of governments and companies which delay action.

Ms. Thunberg has become a leader in the global fight against climate change. In her book, she calls for an end to burning fossil fuels and transitioning to clean renewable energy. She also calls for holding governments, companies and individuals accountable for their environmental actions.

In recent years, Ms. Thunberg has spoken at numerous international events including the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP) and met with world leaders such as the Pope and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

The book was authored by Ms. Thunberg and was published this month by Penguin Books. At age 17, Ms. Thuberg is the youngest author to have a book published by the company.

Ms. Thunberg’s book marks a significant moment in the global fight against climate change. She calls for an urgent need for citizens and governments to take climate action and to hold those who are responsible accountable. The hope is that the book will help to galvanize a new generation of activists and encourage politicians and corporations to take meaningful action on the climate crisis. Only through such urgent action will humanity be able to avoid the looming catastrophic costs of global warming.

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