Government in France Faces Controversy for Lack of Support towards Dry January

Government in France Faces Controversy for Lack of Support towards Dry January

Dry January is at the centre of a ⁢political row in France after more than 45 professors of addiction studies signed a letter urging the state ⁤to promote a month⁢ of abstinence ‌from alcohol.

A group of​ senior academics and doctors ⁤working on addiction have written to the French health minister to say that not enough is being done by the state to campaign on alcohol risks, and the ‍government should​ support an alcohol-free month at⁢ the start of the year.

Dry January, ‌which started in the UK 10 years ago, ⁣was introduced to France in 2020 as the “défi de janvier”, or January ⁢challenge, promoted by health charities. It has grown in popularity with more than 60% of French people wanting to try it in 2024, according to a BVA poll for the Association Addictions France, but⁣ the French state ⁢health body has not promoted dry January ⁣and⁣ politicians are reluctant to get onboard.

The ‌senior academics and doctors said ⁢in their unprecedented letter that state support for the initiative would be‍ an opportunity and a “strong sign” that would “calm” the debate on alcohol consumption in France.

“It appears that⁣ trust in the government to run a⁢ coherent and ​resolute political [approach to alcohol] has seriously deteriorated,”⁤ the letter said,⁣ adding it was “more than a shame” that the government continued to keep its distance from the French version ‍of dry ‌January.

After the US, France is the second biggest consumer of wine in the world, and French politicians listen closely to the country’s wine industry, which employs 500,000 people.

Emmanuel Macron​ is seen within France as the most pro-alcohol president since the second world war, saying he drinks wine every day, at lunchtime and in the evening, and that a ⁣meal without wine was “a bit sad”. He was filmed this year downing a bottle of beer in 17 seconds in a rugby changing-room.

The powerful‌ French alcohol lobby argues that France is a nation that traditionally drinks in moderation, ⁣so the UK’s dry January month of abstinence⁣ is out of ‍step with its culture and better suited to northern European binge-drinkers.

Yet health campaigners point to figures such ‌as recent polling ⁢by the French League against Cancer, which found ⁣that 70%⁣ of French parents saw no problem ​in giving their teenagers alcohol during the festive season.

Olivier Cottencin, the head⁣ of the national body of university professors in ⁢addiction studies, who coordinated the letter, said it was surprising that the French government backed a tobacco-free month every November, but not an ⁤alcohol-free month.

He said scientific research on dry January​ in the UK had shown an immediate positive‌ impact on ‍health,⁤ including on ‍sleep and blood ‌pressure, and a reduced‍ level of alcohol consumption for many months until the summer. “We want to mobilise‌ the government because in France we know it’s important that the state gets involved with prevention.”

Amine Benyamina, the head of the psychiatry and addiction service at‍ Paul-Brousse…

2023-12-30 00:00:23
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