Global Initiative: United Nations Launches Polio Vaccination Drive in Gaza

Global Initiative: United Nations Launches Polio Vaccination Drive in Gaza

Exciting News: United Nations Launching Polio Vaccine Campaign in Gaza




United Nations to‌ Commence Polio Vaccine Campaign in Gaza

The World Health Organization’s chief ‍representative in ​Gaza revealed⁢ that Israel has agreed⁢ to halt military operations in specific areas to facilitate the administration of vaccines to children.

A comprehensive two-round polio vaccination drive is set to kick off on September 1st. Achieving a 90 percent vaccination rate is crucial to halt the outbreak and prevent‌ its spread beyond Gaza. ⁢Humanitarian pauses have ‍been arranged for⁢ different zones during the campaign, ensuring thorough coverage. ⁣The commitment is to complete both rounds within four weeks, underscoring the importance of this initiative.

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2024-08-29 14:23:27

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