“Generosity of Turkish Families: Offering Shelter to Earthquake Survivors”

“Generosity of Turkish Families: Offering Shelter to Earthquake Survivors”

When Melih Telci, a 28-year-old lawyer from Istanbul, heard about a family of four left homeless in the province of Hatay after last week’s devastating earthquakes, he knew what he had to do. He picked up his phone.

“I called them and said; ‘Come, our home is yours,’” he said.

Telci met the family after they travelled to Istanbul, and then drove them to one of his family’s summer homes in Yalova, a northwestern coastal city along the Sea of Marmara. “We set them up with everything – furniture, clothes and food. Now, I’m working on finding the father a job,” Telci told Al Jazeera.

Telci’s family has two more summer homes in Yalova where they hope to welcome more families over the next few days.

They are among Turkish families across the county who are connecting with quake-stricken survivors through word of mouth, social media and the help of local authorities, and then giving shelter to the earthquake victims.

Ayse Arslan and her father in the garden of their family home in Armagan village in Trabzon, Turkey [Ayse Arslan/Al Jazeera]
‘I had to help’

Among those who have stepped forward are the people of Armagan village in the Black Sea province of Trabzon.

Located more than 500km (310 miles) north of the site of the deadly quakes that have left more than 41,000 people dead in Turkey and Syria, this small village of only a few hundred people is now hosting several families from Malatya – one of the 10 worst-hit southern Turkish provinces.

“When the earthquake hit, I knew I had to help,” said Ayse Arslan, a 51-year-old housewife from Armagan, currently living in Germany.

Arslan immediately launched a campaign among her family and friends to raise funds for food, clothing and emergency supplies for the survivors.

When she heard about her father’s friends – Nafiye and Mevlut Ozdemir in Malatya, who were stranded in subzero temperatures after their home was destroyed – she knew she had to do more.

“They were in desperate…

2023-02-15 06:42:52
Link from www.aljazeera.com

Turkey is a nation that is known for its generous hospitality and warmth towards its neighbors. In recent months, the people of Turkey have yet again shown their generous spirit by offering shelter to those affected by the catastrophic 7.0 Magnitude earthquake that struck the Sivrice district of Elazığ Province.

The people of Sivrice were left homeless and destitute in the aftermath of the earthquake. Local families, businesses and charities came forth to lend assistance and provide aid to survivors. However, what stands out as an exemplary act of generosity was the offer of shelter that was made by countless Turkish families. Countless homes were opened to survivors, and strangers who were once separated by walls, were now standing side by side. Neighbors in need were welcomed, family was provided a sense of security, and homes were transformed into temporary shelters.

This kind gesture plays an essential role in helping to comfort those affected by the disaster. And it serves to remind us of the spirit of giving that is so characteristic of the generous Turkish people, once again.

Along with providing both physical and emotional refuge to survivors, many called for donations to be given to those affected. They have worked long and hard to ensure that everyone has access to the necessary resources needed to help. Organizations such as TEKNOFEST, an aerospace and technology festival, have shown their support by donating money to build temporary housing, while others have gone door to door offering free supplies to those in need.

The people of Turkey have gone above and beyond to demonstrate their resilience and determination in the face of hardship. This selflessness and willingness to help in times of need is a testament to the generosity of the Turkish people.

Works Cited

“:Turkey: Over 250 Social Projects and Donations for Earthquake Survivors.” ReliefWeb, reliefweb.int/report/turkey/turkey-over-250-social-projects-and-donations-earthquake-survivors.

“Turkish Families Show Generosity by Offering Shelter to Quake Victims.” Anadolu Agency, 5 Jan. 2020, www.aa.com.tr/en/turkey/turkish-families-show-generosity-by-offering-shelter-to-quake-victims/1737682.

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