Gaza graduates urge UNRWA to address soaring unemployment rate

Gaza graduates urge UNRWA to address soaring unemployment rate

Gaza City – Since⁢ her <a href="” title=”Gaza graduates urge UNRWA to address soaring unemployment rate”>graduation ​10 years⁤ ago, Amal Shanioura has been searching for a suitable job opportunity in business administration, but has had no success.

The ​32-year-old’s frustration ⁤took her last week​ to a protest ⁤in ⁢front of the headquarters of the ‍United Nations ‍Relief and Works Agency for Refugees⁤ (UNRWA), where demonstrators demanded the body provide ‍more job opportunities in ‌Gaza, and an end to the blockade ⁤imposed on ‍the ⁣enclave by Israel.

Dozens of graduates participated in the protest, raising ⁤slogans denouncing the deteriorating economic⁤ situation and the lack of job ‌opportunities amid a sharp​ rise in the Gaza unemployment rate, which, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, is higher ‍than ⁣45 ​percent. The United Nations has said⁤ that 81 percent of the population is‌ living in​ poverty.

Youth unemployment statistics, which⁢ cover‌ 19 to ⁢29-year-olds, are particularly stark when it comes ‌to comparing the occupied West Bank to ⁢Gaza – 32 percent in the West Bank are unemployed, compared with 70 percent ⁢in Gaza.

“Like any graduate, I volunteered in several places ⁣and⁣ institutions related to my specialty to no avail,” Shanioura told Al Jazeera. “I also ​worked in some jobs intermittently, but they ‍soon ended and I rejoined the ranks of unemployment.”

“As a citizen, I have the⁢ right to⁢ obtain a suitable job opportunity, especially from ‍UNRWA, which offers permanent or temporary employment programmes for graduates.”

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