Fast radio burst possibly caused by collision of neutron stars

Fast radio burst possibly caused by collision of neutron stars

According to astrophysicist Alexandra Moroianu, a neutron star pileup may have emitted two different kinds of cosmic signals: ripples in spacetime known as gravitational waves and a brief blip of energy called a fast radio burst. The finding could bolster the theory that mysterious fast radio bursts have multiple origins, including neutron star mergers. Moroianu spotted the merger and its aftermath while at the University of Western Australia in Perth and is “99.5 percent sure” the two signals came from the same event. However, LIGO’s two other detectors didn’t catch the signal, making it impossible to precisely triangulate its location. Despite this, Moroianu says, “If this is true…it’s going to be a big boom in fast radio burst science.”
2023-03-27 10:00:00
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