Explosions Rock Chad as Ammunition Depot Fire Causes Tremors in Our Home

A tragic incident⁢ unfolded in Chad’s capital N’Djamena⁢ as a fire erupted at ​a military ammunition depot, leading to a series of devastating blasts that resulted in casualties and injuries.

The fire ignited in ​the Goudji district of N’Djamena late on Tuesday, causing ⁣massive explosions as described by ⁤Foreign Affairs Minister Koulamallah Abderaman ​in a statement shared on Facebook.

President Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno confirmed the loss of lives and ⁤injuries due to the fire, although specific numbers were not provided.

Expressing condolences to the affected families and wishing a swift⁢ recovery to‌ the wounded, President⁤ Deby pledged to launch a thorough⁣ investigation into the tragic incident.

Witnesses in the vicinity reported seeing injured individuals being rushed ⁢to ‍hospitals, with one resident recounting the tragic death of a shopkeeper struck by a shell.

The harrowing‍ experience of loud explosions and the sight of artillery flying overhead was shared by residents like Moustapha Adoum Mahamat, highlighting the chaos and destruction caused by the⁤ fire⁢ at the military⁤ camp.

Residents like Kadidja Dakou described the fear and chaos that​ ensued, with houses damaged and roofs blown off by the powerful explosions.

The ammunition depot, ​situated in a densely populated area near the international airport and a French troops base, witnessed explosions of various calibres of ammunition, according to a French ⁢forces official.

Link from www.aljazeera.com

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