Exploring the Future of the American Military: Europe vs. Asia

Exploring the Future of the American Military: Europe vs. Asia

Is the future of the American army in⁢ Europe ‍or Asia?

The year 1973 was a‍ turning point for the American army. ⁤After‌ the Vietnam⁣ War, the force was in disarray. The end of conscription was announced in⁣ January, and two months later, the last ⁣combat troops left Vietnam. However, the Arab-Israeli war in October of ⁣that year sparked a renewal. The ​lessons learned from that war helped transform America’s army into⁢ the modern and professional force that would later ​defeat Iraq in ⁢1991.

Today’s generals, who witnessed this transformation, are acutely aware of its significance.⁢ General James Rainey, ‍who leads the​ army’s Future Command, draws parallels between the ⁣army of Desert Storm and the army that invaded Iraq in the early 2000s, and where they need to be in 2040.⁢ After two decades of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the ⁣army faces recruitment shortages and the need for⁢ renewal and ​reform, driven ‍by the rise of China and lessons from the war in ⁤Ukraine.

There are three major⁤ unresolved questions among army leaders, including whether‌ significant changes in the nature of war, as seen in Ukraine, could make‍ ground forces less important, if‌ not irrelevant.

2024-02-19 13:00:14
Post from www.economist.com

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