Explore the Fascinating World of Animal Anatomy with openVertebrate’s 3-D Models

Explore the Fascinating World of Animal Anatomy with openVertebrate’s 3-D Models

Discover the ‌fascinating world of​ animal anatomy without‍ the need ⁢for scalpels or dissection equipment. Thanks to online replicas, museum collections are now‌ accessible to a wider audience, offering a unique peek inside the inner workings of various creatures. Evolutionary ‌biologist‍ Edward Stanley of the Florida Museum of Natural History at the University of Florida in Gainesville⁣ describes the experience as ⁢a journey into the unexpected,⁢ revealing parasitic infections, last meals, and new insights⁤ into animal anatomy. For example, CT scans of ⁣pumpkin toadlets’ ‌inner ears unveiled⁣ the reason behind their‌ crash-landed hops, while images of ‍spiny mice showed ​that their tails ‌are covered in bony armor like an armadillo (SN: 5/24/23).

2024-03-06 08:00:00
Source from ​ www.sciencenews.org

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