Erdogan and Orban Vow to Enhance Relations in Budapest

Erdogan and Orban Vow to Enhance Relations in Budapest

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor ‍Orban have⁣ pledged to strengthen⁢ ties after talks in Budapest.

The ⁤meeting on Monday marked the ‌Turkish president’s second visit to ‌the country​ in four months.

The meeting on Monday marked the Turkish president’s ⁣second visit to the country in four months.

Hungary and Turkey are the only two NATO countries that have ⁢so far not ratified⁤ Sweden’s bid to join the transatlantic military​ alliance in the wake of Russia’s invasion of​ Ukraine.

Earlier this month, Erdogan made Turkey’s ratification of Sweden’s NATO bid conditional on the United States Congress “simultaneously” approving Ankara’s request for‌ F-16 fighter jets.

The two leaders did not comment⁢ on the issue in their address to reporters.

NATO enlargement was⁤ discussed during Erdogan’s visit, according ‌to ‍Hungarian President Katalin Novak, who also​ met the Turkish leader.

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