Enhancing Android Security with Google Passkeys

Enhancing Android Security with Google Passkeys

Are you still using a traditional password to sign into your Google account? Well, it’s time to upgrade to something more secure. Google has announced the availability of passkeys, which allow you to authenticate yourself via your phone’s face identification system or fingerprint scanner instead of typing in a password.

Passkeys offer several advantages over traditional passwords. First, you don’t have to worry about creating a strong and unique password and keeping it safe. Second, it eliminates the possibility of phishing. Third, it combines the idea of two-factor authentication with a regular password into a single tough-to-circumvent system.

However, passkeys have been mostly theoretical until now. But with Google on board, it’s time to take notice. To get started with passkeys on Android:

  1. Open up g.co/passkeys in your phone’s browser.
  2. Type in your Google account password.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up your passkey.

With passkeys, you can have the most effective security imaginable to keep all your personal and/or company info safe.

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2023-05-17 07:30:03
Article from www.computerworld.com

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