Earlier Than Previously Believed: Extinction of Earth’s Largest Ape Occurred 100,000 Years Earlier

Earlier Than Previously Believed: Extinction of Earth’s Largest Ape Occurred 100,000 Years Earlier

The world’s largest ape vanished‌ from Earth more than 100,000 years earlier than once thought, pushed⁤ to extinction as the environment around it shifted, researchers report January 10 in Nature.
The fate of G. blacki, twice the size of the largest modern apes and resembling a super-sized version of its close cousin, the orangutan, has long been a mystery (SN: 11/13/19; SN: 6/24/44). For about 2 million years, G.⁢ blacki inhabited a mosaic landscape of forests and grasses in what’s now southern China. ‌It left‍ behind⁢ only scattered remnants:⁢ thousands of teeth and four jawbones, unearthed in cave sediments in the ⁤region.
To establish a chronology for the ape’s ‌extinction,‌ paleoanthropologist Yingqi Zhang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and ‍colleagues assembled an array of different dating techniques to determine the ape’s habits,⁤ diet and environment. In the teeth, they looked for ⁢data on the ape’s diet, ⁤measuring isotopes of carbon and oxygen as well as ‍examining the teeth for tiny evidence ⁢of wear and tear — which can reveal not only diet, but⁣ also give ⁤hints of repeated ⁢behaviors​ and stress.⁤ The team also analyzed the cave sediments bearing the fossils, ⁢hunting ⁤for fossil pollen and conducting luminescence dating on radioactive elements within the sediments.
The team’s reconstruction revealed that around 700,000 to 600,000‍ years ago, southern China shifted from its forested landscape to a more seasonally-driven environment.‌ Some apes, including ​the orangutans, were able to⁤ adapt to these changes. But G. blacki was unable to ⁤change rapidly enough, and its ⁣numbers slowly dwindled⁢ before going extinct, the team suggests.

2024-01-10 11:00:00
Post from www.sciencenews.org

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