DOT Approval Secured: Alaska and Hawaiian Airlines Merge to Create Unbeatable Travel Experience

DOT Approval Secured: Alaska and Hawaiian Airlines Merge to Create Unbeatable Travel Experience

Alaska-Hawaiian merger ‍clears‍ DOT review, but with upfront terms ⁣to protect consumers

The merger between⁤ Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines has been given​ the green light by the U.S. ⁤Department of Transportation, with certain‌ conditions in place to safeguard‌ consumer interests.

Following approval from⁢ the U.S. Justice Department last month, the‍ $1.9 billion deal now⁢ awaits⁣ final clearance from the Transportation Department, which oversees ​airline mergers.

Key ⁤stipulations ⁢include maintaining the value of existing ⁢airline reward programs and ensuring that miles earned can‍ be seamlessly transferred at a 1-to-1‌ ratio under ​a ‌new combined loyalty point ‌system.

In ⁣addition, both carriers are required to uphold essential air services for rural​ communities and sustain current levels ‍of passenger and cargo routes within Hawaii,⁤ as emphasized by U.S.⁣ Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg during a recent press ⁣briefing.

The Department of ⁤Transportation has ⁤outlined‍ these conditions as ‍part ​of its comprehensive ‌review process for airline mergers, signaling ⁤a significant step ‍forward for Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian ⁤Airlines towards finalizing‍ their union.

2024-09-17 ‍16:52:16
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