Don’t Overlook ‘Funga’ When Talking about Flora and Fauna

Don’t Overlook ‘Funga’ When Talking about Flora and Fauna

Fungi. They grow between toes, on⁣ bread and⁤ in the⁢ shower. But the organisms also produce​ food and medicine and act as ecosystem ⁤maids by flora-and-fauna.html” title=”Don't Overlook 'Funga' When Talking about Flora and Fauna”>decomposing dead matter — benefits that are sometimes overlooked (SN: 11/17/20). That’s why ‍the Fungi Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to fungi education and conservation, ⁢advocates for adding “funga” to the popular phrase “flora and fauna.”
Historically, fungi ‌have been left out of most conservation ⁣discussions and plans, says mycologist Giuliana Furci, founder of the Fungi Foundation, which was created in Chile and is now based in the United ⁢States. While flora refers to an area’s plant⁢ diversity and fauna its animal diversity, fungi don’t fit into either category. “Fungi didn’t have a way in,” Furci says. “It’s about time they get this recognition.”
Whether a soil mold or a mushroom on‍ a log, fungi face the same threats⁤ as other kingdoms ⁤of life, including habitat loss and climate change. The International Union‌ for the⁢ Conservation of Nature’s Red List⁣ includes more than 200 species of fungi that​ are either threatened or endangered. Fungi also form essential relationships with other organisms, like gut bacteria⁢ or the ⁢roots of plants⁣ (SN: 5/25/23). That means it is paramount that fungi are ‌considered in conservation policies, Furci says. She and two⁢ other mycologists coined the‍ term funga in 2018 in IMA Fungus. Mycota, the ancient ⁣Greek word⁢ for ⁣mushroom, would have been more accurate, but funga⁤ seemed catchier, Furci says.
The phrase has the ‌potential⁢ to take off widely, says mycologist Catherine Gehring⁣ of Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. Using funga ⁤along with flora and fauna will be particularly powerful ⁢in nonscientist‌ circles⁢ where the‍ phrase could ⁢encourage interest in⁢ fungi among policymakers and the public, she says.

2023-09-07‌ 06:00:00
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