Discovering a Lunar Rock: Unveiling a 50-Year-Old Mystery of the Moon’s Origins

Discovering a Lunar Rock: Unveiling a 50-Year-Old Mystery of the Moon’s Origins

Unveiling the Mysteries of‍ the Moon’s ⁤Early Days — Science News, March 30, 1974
Even decades after the Apollo missions, lunar rocks⁣ continue to astonish scientists with revelations about the moon’s ancient past. Recent analysis suggests that the moon’s magnetic field, if ⁤it ever existed, ⁤only lasted​ for the first 500 million years of its⁤ existence (SN: 8/28/21, p. 7). New samples collected by China’s Chang’e-5 mission in 2020⁣ indicate that the ⁢moon was volcanically active‌ for a longer period than previously ⁢believed, with evidence of lava flows as recent​ as 2 billion years ago (SN: 11/6/21, p. 6). The upcoming Chang’e-6 mission, set ⁣to launch in May,‍ holds the promise of bringing back rocks from the moon’s ⁤farside, potentially shedding light ⁣on the geological differences between the near and far sides.

2024-04-11 10:30:00

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