Discover the Intriguing World of Molecular Knots: Unraveling the 54-Atom Wonder

Discover the Intriguing World of Molecular Knots: Unraveling the 54-Atom Wonder

Picture a knot so tiny that it’s invisible to the naked eye. Now, imagine‍ it ⁤even smaller. Chemist Richard Puddephatt ​and⁣ his team accidentally created this‍ new‍ knot ⁤while working ‍on interlocked ring molecules. These molecules⁣ could potentially be used in‍ molecular machines,‍ but for now, scientists are‍ still unraveling their mysteries. This ⁤fortunate ⁢accident has led to the discovery of the tightest trefoil knot to date. With a backbone crossing‌ ratio of 18, it surpasses the ⁢previous record ​of⁢ 23.

2024-02-05 08:00:00
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