Detection of a Massive Curved Radio Jet in Galaxy Cluster Abell 514

Detection of a Massive Curved Radio Jet in Galaxy Cluster Abell 514

Astronomers have cluster-abell-514.html” title=”Detection of a Massive Curved Radio Jet in Galaxy Cluster Abell 514″>conducted deep low-frequency radio‌ observations of the galaxy cluster Abell ⁢514, using ‌the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT). ‌In their results, they detected a large-scale bent radio jet in this cluster. The ⁤finding is reported‌ in a paper published October⁣ 2 on the pre-print⁣ server arXiv.

Galaxy clusters are the largest gravitationally bound structures, consisting of up ⁢to thousands of galaxies bound together by gravity. They could be crucial in improving‍ the knowledge‌ about ⁤large-scale structure formation and evolution of the ⁣universe.

Abell 514 (or A514 for short) ⁣is a merging galaxy cluster at a redshift of approximately 0.07, discovered in 1958. It has a mass of ⁢about 300 trillion⁤ solar masses, ⁣overall temperature of‍ 3.8⁤ keV, and its metallicity is estimated to be ‍at a ‍level of 0.22. Previous observations of​ A514 have found that it⁢ has a rich morphology⁢ and hosts several extended radio sources.

Recently, a team of astronomers led by Wonki‍ Lee of⁤ the Yonsei University in Seoul, South⁣ Korea, decided to​ investigate the⁤ radio ⁤sources⁤ in A514 by performing radio​ observations of this ⁢cluster with uGMRT.

“We observed A514 using uGMRT Band 2 (125−250 MHz), Band 3 (250−500​ MHz), ⁤and Band 4 (550−850 MHz) with on-source integration times of⁣ 3.5, 3.7, and⁢ 4.3 hours, respectively,” the researchers explained.

2023-10-09 21:48:04
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