Defending the Raid on a Journalist’s Home and Seizure of Photos of Burrup Rock Art Removal: Latest News from Australia

Defending the Raid on a Journalist’s Home and Seizure of Photos of Burrup Rock Art Removal: Latest News from Australia

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The treasurer, Jim Chalmers, says the government has gone “out of its way” to budget for the pay rise.

This is what is possible when we put the national budget on a more responsible and more sustainable footing.

…We have gone out of our way, here, to make sure that we can afford and that we can work through in a responsible and methodical way, this historic pay rise for aged care workers today.

The other part of the announcement is an historic increase to the daily rate for residents in aged care. Wells says:

One of the last decision the Morrison government made was to award the indexation rate at percentage of 1.7%.

Today’s announcement, when you sum it up, is a 17% increase per resident per day in aged care.

That is enormous and that properly and fairly addresses the costs of delivering quality aged care in this country.

Anika Wells says pay rise is a “seismic shift in aged care in Australia”

Today, we turn a corner for aged care in Australia … long deserved, long-awaited for, and now with the Labor government it is here.

What that means for aged care workers… nearly $140 a week extra, or $7,000 a year extra in your pay packet.

If you are a registered nurse it means $198 a week extra, or nearly more than $10,000 a year extra.

That is life-changing money for people.

Jim Chalmers and Anika Wells on aged care pay rise

The treasurer, Jim Chalmers, and the aged care minister, Anika Wells, have stepped up to speak about the pay rise for care workers in Canberra.

You can get the full picture about that budget commitment from my colleague Josh Butler:

Budget 2023: Labor to commit $11.3bn to fund 15% pay rise for aged care workers

There are reports that a household name in the weight loss business, Jenny Craig, is shutting its doors in the US but will remain open in Australia.

NBC News is citing internal communications to employees, saying the American business will close:

In an email sent to employees late Tuesday, the company said it will close “due to its inability to secure additional financing.”

Although Jenny Craig was an American brand, many Australians would recognise the brand from its more localised television ads which featured actor Magda…

2023-05-03 20:20:16
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