Decades-long Investigation Reveals Breakthroughs in Solving Mysterious Child Deaths

Decades-long Investigation Reveals Breakthroughs in Solving Mysterious Child Deaths

At 15 and a half months old, Maria Crandall was thriving and full ⁣of joy, according to her mother Laura Gould, a research ⁤scientist ⁣at ⁣New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine. Everything seemed fine until it wasn’t. Gould was left puzzled and devastated by Maria’s sudden and unexplained death. This tragic event inspired⁢ Gould to become a ⁤pioneer in the research of unexpected deaths in children, leading to the⁤ creation‍ of⁤ a new field of study. Sudden unexplained death in childhood (SUDC) is a perplexing category of death for children aged 1 and⁢ older, with no ⁤apparent cause ​even after thorough investigation. These heartbreaking deaths often occur‌ while the​ child is sleeping.

2024-02-08 08:00:00
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