China’s space mission includes resupply launch, space plane landing, and methane rocket preparation.

China’s space mission includes resupply launch, space plane landing, and methane rocket preparation.

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Utilizing Methane Rocket in Chinese Resupply Mission

China Launches Resupply Mission, Lands Space Plane, and Readies Methane Rocket

Resupply Mission

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) has successfully launched a resupply mission to its new space station, Tianhe. The spacecraft, called Tianzhou-3, was launched on September 20, 2021, from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in southern China. It is carrying supplies and equipment to the Tianhe module, which will be used by astronauts living and working on the space station.

Landing of Space Plane

In addition to the resupply mission, China has made history by landing a reusable spacecraft, the X-37B space plane. The spacecraft, which was originally developed by the United States Air Force, was sold to China in 2020. The X-37B is designed to fly into orbit, stay there for long periods of time, and return to Earth like a traditional airplane. This capability will enable China to reduce the cost of space missions and increase the frequency of launches.

Methane Rocket

China is also developing a new type of rocket fuel called methane. Methane is considered to be more efficient and environmentally friendly than traditional rocket fuels. The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) is developing a methane-powered rocket to be used on future space missions. It is expected that this rocket will be used to launch the next generation of Chinese spacecraft, including the new crewed spacecraft and the future lunar missions.


China’s space program has made significant progress in recent years, with successful launches and new technologies being developed. The resupply mission to the Tianhe space station, the landing of the X-37B space plane, and the development of methane rocket fuel are all important milestones in China’s space exploration efforts. These achievements demonstrate China’s commitment to advancing its space program and expanding its presence in the cosmos.

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