Cease-Fire Failure by Generals Leaves Families Trapped in Fighting in Sudan

Cease-Fire Failure by Generals Leaves Families Trapped in Fighting in Sudan

Sudan is experiencing street battles and rocket strikes, causing chaos and fear among civilians as a cease-fire between the country’s two warring generals fails. The capital is paralyzed, and people are trapped in their homes due to the crossfire. Parents, children, doctors, students, officials, and high-profile diplomats have all come under attack since the fighting broke out over the weekend. Even a diplomatic convoy carrying American citizens was attacked, and a senior E.U. official was wounded by gunfire. According to United Nations officials, at least 185 people have been killed, and more than 1,800 have been injured in the past four days, although the actual number is likely much higher.

On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with Lt. Gen. Mohamed Hamdan, the leader of the paramilitary group implicated in the attack on the U.S. convoy. General Hamdan then called for a 24-hour cease-fire to allow civilians to evacuate or obtain desperately needed supplies. However, with conflicting signals…

2023-04-18 17:39:37
Link from www.nytimes.com

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