Breakthrough: Scientists create revolutionary ice-resistant coating with unprecedented durability

Breakthrough: Scientists create revolutionary ice-resistant coating with unprecedented durability

Ice-repellent coatings have been in⁣ existence for‍ a while, but they‍ have‍ had issues with ⁢sensitivity⁣ and detachment from surfaces. However, ‍a research team ‍at the Institute of ​Solid State Physics at Graz⁤ University of Technology has made a breakthrough in developing a highly ice-repellent coating that is durable and​ adheres well to various materials. This advancement was made possible through the use of a manufacturing technology ​called initiated chemical vapor⁣ deposition (iCVD), which allows for a seamless transition from a strongly adhesive primer material to an ice-repellent compound. The coating’s effectiveness in ⁣preventing ice crystals from sticking is attributed to the random⁢ alignment of the molecules. To learn more ‍about this innovative coating, you can visit

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