Breaking News: Major Windows Outage Impacts Airlines, Supermarkets, and Banks – Microsoft Promises Swift Resolution

Breaking News: Major Windows Outage Impacts Airlines, Supermarkets, and Banks – Microsoft Promises Swift Resolution

21 minutes ago: Clare O’Neil‍ acknowledges that the fix for the issue may require some time to ⁢resolve.
43 minutes ago: Microsoft assures that a solution is on the way to address the ongoing problem.
2 hours ago: The Prime Minister issues a statement regarding the cyber outage.
2 hours ago: An emergency meeting is convened by the federal government in response to the ⁣Windows outage.
3​ hours ago: Potential​ delays at Sydney airport are expected to ⁤persist throughout the evening.
3 hours ago: Multiple airlines, including Virgin, report being affected by the outage.
3 hours ago: Melbourne‌ airport is also impacted by the ongoing ⁤issue.
4 hours ago: Crowdstrike identifies the root cause⁣ of the worldwide outage.
4 hours ago: The cyber chief states that ​there is no evidence of a hack causing the outage.
4 hours ago: The exact cause ⁤of the widespread Windows outage​ remains unknown.
5 hours ago: Outages affecting ABC and banking services are linked to Microsoft.
6⁤ hours ago: Concerns are raised by a rights watchdog regarding footage ⁢from a Queensland watch house.
6‍ hours ago: A woman ​arrested outside Albanese’s electorate office ⁢is ordered to maintain a distance from it.
7 ⁢hours ago: Australia ⁢prepares to simulate the arrival of a deadly bird flu.
8 hours ago:‍ Albanese dismisses the return of the construction watchdog.
8 hours ago: Perrottet is set to formally resign on August 11 when the⁤ NSW parliament reconvenes.
8 hours ago: Perrottet announces his retirement ⁣from ⁣the‍ NSW parliament.
9⁢ hours ago: A report finds that Queensland children’s ⁢gender service is​ secure and should be expanded.
9 hours ago:⁢ The PM⁣ expresses concerns that the US political divide is impacting its global reputation.
10 hours ago: Albanese warns that the MediSecure hack is not⁤ an isolated incident.
10 ⁤hours ago: Victoria plans ‌to permanently introduce e-scooters.
12 ​hours ago: Energy and climate ministers convene to discuss a comprehensive policy ‍mix.
12 hours ago: The cost of transporting Julian Assange to Australia is revealed.
13 hours ago: Dutton anticipates the opposition will reintroduce legislation for ABCC in August.
13 hours ago: A health warning is issued for a growing group of offshore detainees.
WelcomeFilters BETAKey events (26)Australia (16)NSW (11)Queensland (11)Anthony Albanese ‌(10)Guardian Australia (9)43 minutes ago: Microsoft assures that a resolution is ‍forthcoming for the ongoing issue.
Updated at 05:40 EDT
52 minutes ago: Victoria confirms no impact on critical infrastructure or Triple Zero services.
Updated at 05:24 EDT
1 hour ⁣ago: Virgin spokesperson states that the airline’s operations‌ remain stable despite the IT outage.

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