Breaking Boundaries: Germanium Vacancy in Diamond Quantum Memory Achieves Coherence Time of Over 20 ms

Breaking Boundaries: Germanium Vacancy in Diamond Quantum Memory Achieves Coherence Time of Over 20 ms

Diamond color​ centers are gaining attention in quantum technology research due to their potential for developing⁣ quantum technologies. Specifically, negatively-charged group-IV diamond defects are being explored for their efficient ⁤spin-photon interface, making them ideal ⁣for quantum networks.

Katharina‍ Senkalla, co-author of the paper,⁣ emphasized the focus of their⁣ research group on diamond color centers for quantum applications. While the nitrogen-vacancy center has been popular, other color centers, such as‍ Si, Ge, ⁤Sn, or Pb combined with‍ a lattice vacancy, have become the subject of recent research.

Group-IV color centers have shown stronger emissions ⁤in the⁤ zero-phonon line compared to nitrogen-vacancy centers. Their inversion⁢ symmetry also makes them suitable for integration in nanophotonic devices, a crucial step for an efficient scalable quantum network ‌based ⁢on solid-state, single-photon⁣ sources.

The goal is to contribute to the development of quantum networks for long-distance⁤ quantum communication and‍ distributed​ quantum computing. An efficient spin-photon interface and extended memory times ⁣are essential for the⁣ quantum network node in quantum networking.

Ulm University’s research group has ​been ‌exploring the potential of group IV defects, particularly the GeV center, as candidates for quantum network nodes.​ These defects have an inherent efficiency in the spin-photon interface, characterized by a highly ⁢coherent flux of photons.

2024-02-18 10:00:04
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