Biden’s Bid for Re-Election: A Summary of Wednesday’s News

Biden’s Bid for Re-Election: A Summary of Wednesday’s News

President Biden has officially announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential race, urging voters to support him in finishing the job. In his video message, he did not mention his most likely opponent, Donald Trump, but made it clear that he sees himself as the best person to prevent Trump from reclaiming the presidency.

Despite being the oldest American president in history at 80 years old (Trump is 76), Biden has all but cleared the Democratic presidential field, despite concerns about his age. While polls show that Democrats want a fresh face in 2024, they have yet to identify a viable candidate.

Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, is likely to face scrutiny and intense Republican criticism. She would take over if something happened to Biden, who would be 86 at the end of his tenure.

Despite a strong economy, low unemployment, and a record of legislative accomplishments, Biden has not fully won over the…

2023-04-25 16:14:21
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