Biden Advocates for Israel, Ukraine, and American Leadership

Biden Advocates for Israel, Ukraine, and American Leadership

Biden pleads the case for ⁣Israel, Ukraine—and American leadership

WITH WAR raging in Israel as well as ⁢Ukraine, President Joe Biden made an ⁢impassioned plea for America to act again as “the arsenal of democracy” by providing tens ‍of billions⁤ of dollars of⁣ military aid to both allies. He adapted the idea of America as the “indispensable nation”—a concept coined by the late secretary of state, Madeleine Albright—to cast the country⁣ as the “essential ​nation”, vital to holding back the forces of aggression, ‍be they terrorists or bully states.

Mr Biden drew a direct connection between Hamas’s slaughter of Israeli communities on October 7th and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in⁣ February last year. “Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they share ‌this ‍in common: they both want to completely annihilate a neighbouring democracy,” Mr ‌Biden said in a televised address to Americans on October 19th. Another common thread, he noted, is that both foes are supported by Iran.

Mr Biden was⁢ seeking to harness bipartisan sympathy for⁢ the Jewish state to reaffirm the United States’ global role. “American leadership is what⁢ holds the world together. American alliances are what keep us, America, safe,” he declared.

2023-10-20 01:17:54
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